Formed back in 2008 by Matti Mikkola and Pasi Salo, Ascoil Sun presents their debut album Emergence. Despite the young age of the project, two minds behind it have been interacting musically for a long time, and after releasing their debut EP, Ascoil Sun have occupied Lunar studios to sculpture their sound - resulting in a truly unique blend of vibes, that only Ascoil Sun delivers.Aiming towards feelings of spontaniousness and progressive vibes, with eteric slide-guitar melodies echoing colourful psychedelia of 60-70`s, synth-solos taking you into the journey to the future. Emergence is carefully crafted to a true experience which takes you from the surface to the ocean floor, building its pressure in emotion, complexity and mood towards its ending, where it all implodes to surreal beauty.Representing a wide-range of musical styles Emergence bombards the listener with constant aural surprises in form of a unique mixture of sounds and melodies, yet keeping the ethereal psychedelia and vivid story telling in the front - a blend between future and past is definitely one way of describing the LP. Although this album is ment to be a story with beginning, middle and end - each track serve as a individual trip to planes of sound. Let yourself dive in your thoughts, let your mind emerge and blossom.