Buckminster Fuzeboard - Funny Noises

Funny Noises
Grouped By Regions
A Dog Called Slippery
1-2 Kick Turn
Concentration Synapses
Elegant Timepiece


Buckminster Fuzeboard aka Dave Fuller is based in Boulder Colorado USA. His debut album was released in 1998 to much acclaim How To Make C60 BR24 In Under An Hour. Kid Kaola of Ninja Tune was one such musician who held the album in high regard. Kid Kaola showed his continued support to Fuller by including his track Return Of The Pretzel Stretch on a recent unofficial mixtape which was unveiled via Podcast. The mixtape also features music from musical heavy weights including Bjork, Radiohead, and Boards Of Canada.Over the past 13 years Fuller has been busily preparing the beautiful collection of tracks which would eventually become the album Funny Noises. However between albums Dave has also released many tracks on various labels but finally decided to release his new full length album on Irelands Psychonavigation Records. Fullers association with Psychonavigation goes back to the birth of the label with his contribution to its debut release, making the latest project somewhat of a musical home-coming for the artist.On the new material Fuller stays true to many of his original inspirations as we hear a new fresh twist on the found sounds, quirky samples and chilled beats which made his seminal debut a must have album for ambient fans over a decade ago. The artists production skills have come on leaps and bounds making the album an instant stone chilled classic!