Moving things back into the bump of the Night and into the morning, we proudly present our newest......Compilation from North Carolina label Dj Pantiestheclown....years ago some of the worlds top scientists and psychologists tried to create the ultimate mind control device. The intended result was to be a powerful weaponized sound wave capable of incapacitating millions. According to recently de-classified documents, that experiment went terribly wrong. The test subjects were dancers at an open air festival in rural North Carolina. The results were unspeakable. Many of the dancers became so entranced they became zombies.Neither alive nor dead, incapable of anything except movement to the sound, these undead trancers craved only the frequencies which created them. Even the scientists themselves were unable to resist the overwhelming sound waves. Almost all records and traces of this experiment were erased. The sounds were thought to be destroyed until several months ago outbreaks started occurring all over the world.Apparently the wavelengths were uncovered and restored by an eccentric sound manipulator known as pantiestheclown with some help from friends across the world. These frequencies are very dangerous and should be handled with caution. There are no known survivors from exposure to this pandemic.Be advised; Listen at your own risk, and prepare yourself for Attack Of The Living Trance Zombies