In an age that sees young and old record labels pass on wi th l i t t le fanfare, 10 st rong years.. ...of Hadshot Haheizar is no reason to keep quiet. Star t ing the CD in style is the stunning opus Smart Thing to Say from Berlin-based duo Thats.This fusion of chic I talian- flavored groove and classic electro inf luences provides the remarkable opening bef it ting of this monumental release. Venturing into gentle glitchy minimal ism is Aquatica, the debut work of new art ist Laurine Frost, a superb track that will sound at home in the dingiest of underground basement dancefloor sas well as on expansive club systems. Continuing the onslaught of unheard material, Jab provides fine moments of filthy electro grooves dabbed wi th a pinch abstract melodic chaos in the apt ly-titled My Pillow Smel ls Like Me. Upcoming Hadshot ar t ist Jey Fever s ueber-heavy number Protein harkens thef iner moments of French elect ro-tech-house wi th i ts plodding bassl ine and Blackst robe-esque sparse brooding melodies. K300 gives a retro flare to the CD with the EBM- inf luenced Good Old Future, a track whose robotic voices and heavy kicks bring the sounds of yesteryear up to date with current product ion and musical ideas. Berlin techno heroes Electrixx are up next with their trademarkt light sound that has garnered them worldwide acclaim as well as live spot in the closing festivities of the legendary Tresor Club. Monosurround add their expert remixing touches to the track, giving Second Lesson the backing of 2 of the count rys most in-demand duos. Italian heavyweights Mario Piu, Ricky Fobis and Lady Brian provide the CD with its most dramat ic moments through the emotional and spacey piece Hal9000. Another new artist, One Night Stand, weighs in with their debut Minor Thoughts, an exercise in deep tribal minimalism. As the CD nears its finish, Audiolizer s operatic Divine Comedy creates a stuningly unique number, combining creepy operatic chanting with an overdriven bassline to form a striking piece that defies both genre and description. Bringing a close to the CD is Hadshot favorite Schatsi, with yet another of his uniquely-styled pieces - Radio Schatsi finds it selftuned on the dial halfway between floor-oriented electro and abst ract punked-out sci- fiel ectronic beats, creating the perfect stand-out conclusion for this notable CD.