Discover the unique style, the quality and balance between light and dark downtempo emotions.The combination that perfectly identifies Cosmicleafs sound. Matured as never before the third chapter of the best seller series brings you 11 tracks from lands as Greece, Israel, Australia and Russia to tease your senses and explore your inner world. The chill out borders of this compilation are wide including styles from Ambient to Dub, from World Fusion to Lounge,even Downtempo Trance to Psy-Breaks, carefully selected from Nick Miamis aka Side Liner. Including tracks from the talented cosmicleaf roster as D.Batistatos, Cydelix, MLT, Zero Cult , Side Liner and Will-O-The-Wisp plus new entries from Red Eye Express (Tempest Recordings,YSE) , Chronos (Ajana,Sunline) and Sunhize (Unicorn Music). Press play and imagine the pure nature which everyone wants to live some day.