The rhythm of the galaxy, and the fragile equilibrium of the universe is expressed intricately and expertly in Lupin's latest work, Ritmo Galactico. An album created by one of BMSS latest signed artists, includes five blazing collaborations with Egorythmia, Sonic Entity, Helber Gun, OwnTrip and Hypnoxock, the album is strong, cohesive and a provocative expression of progressive Psychedelic Trance. Robotic, electric, leads, pads, and plucks meander mathematically around robust, straight down the line, bass and kicks creating a complex dynamic space in which the dance-floor can interact with each other as well as the psychedelic musicality of Lupin's Galaxy.
A must have for those of you seeking something a little more surprising.
These multi layered landscapes continue to evolve and unfold while maintaining a balance between fundamentals and experimentation. Lupin's unique take on the genre is expressed through varied techniques, analog synthesizers and innovative usage of the Virus TI2. Meticulously produced with artful flair, as well as an unusual, personal selection of effects and sounds there is enough whimsy in Ritmo Galactico to give this album and some of the tracks a degree of longevity that is unusual for the times, but a perfect match for the BMSS stand point on music.
In both the upper and lower sound spectra strong elements appear and disappear, creating stories of their own that don't drift too wide, but certainly keep us wondering, what's next? This is music made for large sound systems and floors. By the time the 5th track rolls around, the listener is well on their way into a fat futuristic landscape that does not take itself too seriously but maintains a deep uplifting joyful sound unique to Lupin. Track by track Lupin takes you one step deeper, highlighting different aspects of the intense studio time, and personal expression that was dedicated to this album. You won't walk away from this with a feeling that you just revisited the best that progressive Psytrance had to offer, but you might get a sense that perhaps the best is yet to come.