Cosmic Conspiracy Records proudly presents Minimus Maleficarum the debut album from one of the biggest known names in modern dark progressive and minimal psytrance. After 2 years in the making this anticipated release brings you 9 tracks spanning a broad spectrum of sound. Hybrids blend of Minimal Psychedelia, Techno and Progressive featuring Minimal Criminals signature fat and heavy sound and production. An atmospheric album with themes inspired by the obscure horror-sci-fi and psychedelic exploitation films from the 50s-60s-70s with every track containing many vintage synth sounds and effects. This release also includes Reefer and Barbecue part 2; Bad Ass Weed, the follow up 2nd part to their now infamous cult track Reefer and Barbecue which featured Krumelur. With Stunning artwork by Elune Art and with mastering by inyourphaze studios in Sweden, this is a mile stone release, the likes of which we have never heard. An album that will steal your mind and imagination-twist your ears, scare you, and make you laugh while it happens.