Picatrix - Quaestio Prima

Quaestio Prima
Zohar et Metatron
The Inquisitor
From Hell


Luigi Seviroli is a professional composer working for several major TV networks in Italy, including RAI and Mediaset. Basing his musical work on the novels of the well-known italian writer Valerio Evangelisti and the character of the inquisitor Nicolas Eymerich, Quaestio Prima has been already defined by Evangelisti himself as the only opus able to incarnate the spirit of the novels, as well as of being a true soundtrack to the dark landscapes surrounding Eymerich. Quaestio Prima is a professional composed and recorded soundscape, a storytelling masterpiece ranging from darkambient interrogative pulsings to acoustic and folkish grand openings. Intense surroundings will draws the listener to realities banned by time or forgotten by men, yet real and invasive. Hard to be further labelled, this first album from Picatrix is a complex yet straight musical texture with a particular attention to sounds, production and composition. We strongly recommend to listen to it carefully in order to get you own personal picture. We at Juggernath had the chance to choose such a professional record as our first production and we are very proud of it.